Doc Holiday Sickness
John Henry “Doc” Holliday was born into a high class southern family in 1851. He was born into a family with high expectations, and attended college in Philadelphia and opened a dental practice at a respectable young age. Unfortunately, Holliday’s accomplishments were overshadowed when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. After he found out he was sick, he moved further out west, hoping the clean air would improve his health.
Although he was highly educated, he was a quick tempered young man and was even quicker with a firearm. Once he realized he had a talent for gambling, practicing dentistry didn’t seem so important anymore, and so began his new life as a gambler and saloon owner. He was best known for his friendship with U.S. Marshal Wyatt Earp, who fought alongside him during the legendary gunfight at O.K. Corral in Tombstone, AZ. He was also known for his on and off again relationship with prostitute Big Nose Kate Cummings. Even today, it’s pretty hard to believe that a physically ill dentist would become one of the most iconic gunfighters of his day.
- The government is legislating for SSP to be paid from day 1, rather than day 4, of your absence from workif you are absent from work due to sickness or need to self-isolate caused by COVID-19.
- Wyatt Earp is challenged to a shootout by Johnny Ringo, but Doc Holiday pretends he is sick to take Wyatt's place.from Tombstone 1993 great movie great scene.
- John Henry “Doc” Holliday was born into a high class southern family in 1851. He was born into a family with high expectations, and attended college in Philadelphia and opened a dental practice at a respectable young age. Unfortunately, Holliday’s accomplishments were overshadowed when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis.
- HOLIDAY See All HOLIDAY. 6 Easter Egg Science Experiments for Kids. And author of Managing Morning Sickness. 'For severe sickness, you may want to talk to your doc about prescription.
Doc Holliday, byname of John Henry Holliday, (baptized March 21, 1852, Griffin, Georgia, U.S.—died November 8, 1887, Glenwood Springs, Colorado), gambler, gunman, and sometime dentist of the American West. Holliday was reared in Georgia in the genteel tradition of the Old South, graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in 1872, and, already consumptive, moved west for drier.
American Legacy Firearms is proud to present the Doc Holliday Shotgun into the Gunfighter Series! Built on a CZ Hammer Coach 12 Gauge shotgun, this firearm is fully functional! The receiver, barrel, and hammer are 24 karat gold plated, while the stock is made from walnut. A Plano case is available, and only 100 of these will be made in the edition! Call and get yours today!
German prosecutors are mulling action against university students suspected of using sick notes that were illegally issued. Dozens of examinees quit a test midway through — later citing uncannily similar health reasons.
Prosecutors in the German city of Stuttgart are considering criminal action against students for submitting illegally issued documents, almost a year after the potential scandal came to light.
The doctor who made out the sick notes, apparently known on campus as 'Doc Holiday,' also remains under investigation.
University of Hohenheim officials were perplexed when dozens of students left their exam part-way through — and subsequently submitted sick notes showing ailments that were astonishingly alike.
At least 48 students abandoned their papers, mostly diagnosed with 'headaches in combination with blurred vision or nausea and vomiting.'
When the issue came to light in June last year, neither the students nor the doctor were expected to face prosecution.
Hohenheim is Stuttgart's oldest university and has one of Germany's leading business and social faculties
However, prosecutors on Wednesday told the German dpa news agency they were investigating — among other leads — whether the medic had received payment. Authorities were also said to be looking at whether diagnoses were falsified systematically.
Flurry of notes in few days
The physician was found to have issued some 150 doctors' notes in total over three days, including that of the exam in question. The university's exams committee said it was dubious about 125 of the 148 sickness letters.
Where Did Doc Holiday Die

Doc Holliday The Real Story
Read more:German high school students decry 'difficult' math tests
Some 100 students remain suspected of having taken advantage — some on more than one occasion.
Doc Holliday Disease
Prosecution spokesman Heiner Römhild told the local Stuttgarter Zeitung and Stuttgarter Nachrichten newspapers — which first reported the latest development — that students could face a fine or even a prison sentence of up to a year.
Doc Holliday Sickness
Under university rules, students can only skip an exam part-way through without consequence if they can show they succumbed to illness or overwhelming anxiety in a sudden and unforeseen way.
For three of the students who were caught out, the consequences were grave. They were removed from the university register — having officially failed their exam for a third and final time.