How Much Do Dealers Make In Casinos
A dealer is a casino employee. He is responsible for taking bets or assisting a game table. He is responsible for animating and ensuring the smooth running of a game. He animates gambling in a casino or a private gaming circle.
The croupier may be required to technically supervise different games, roulette, ball, cards, black jack, baccarat, poker. In Europe, the croupier learns and animates especially roulette, and today poker and craps is often reserved for the most experienced. So before you know how much do casino dealers make you can know the followings.
The poker having a great success in France, the casinos are authorized since 2007 to have a Poker Room within their establishment and employ croupiers called from then on donors or “dealers”. Please note that access to this profession is regulated: the candidate must be 18 years of age, have a clean criminal record and be registered on the electoral lists or belong to a member country of the European Union. In addition, an approval from the Ministry of the Interior, granted after investigation, and which may be withdrawn at any time, is compulsory.
A casino dealer should never be noticed. And when it does, it’s rarely for good reason.
When a dealer does his job as he should, he almost blends into the background: he shuffles the cards, distributes the chips and leads the game with expertise, all in total discretion.
The base salary for Blackjack Dealer ranges from $17,507 to $21,253 with the average base salary of $19,288. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $20,338 to $25,105 with the average total cash compensation of $22,239. How much does a casino dealer makeThe starting pay for an average casino how much does a casino dealer make dealer is between $8 and $10 per hour How much does a Casino Dealer make in Las Vegas, NV? Skip to the content. We Offer 0% Interest-Free Financing.
Players may be tempted to put them in the same bag as service personnel or doormen and consider them as other servers at their disposal to make their experience a success.
Perhaps you have made this same reflection if you have already played in a casino?
But at the slightest little problem, whether it is a bad card turned over, an incorrect return of winnings and a game pace that is too slow, the croupier gets stained and is exposed to an entire table of players. annoyed ready to make a whole mountain of his mistake.
Casino Dealers main tasks are:
• Open and close the game tables.
• Handle dice, tokens, cards.
• Make announcements that punctuate the game (“make your bets”).
• Calculate gains and losses.
• Place bets (he is sometimes assisted for this).
• Pick up the losing bets and push the plates to the winners with the “rake”.
• Apply and enforce the gaming regulations in force.
• Introduce new players.
Croupier salary
What salary and how much does a dealer earns?
On average, a dealer earns around 1,800 Euros gross per month.
Work Croupier
Why and how to work as a dealer?
The dealer has no personal interest in the game. However, in some countries, a lucky player can share his winnings with the dealer by offering him a tip. It is customary for all tips accumulated during the working day to be redistributed fairly among staff members.
The lessers
Shift work, often between 6 p.m. and 4 a.m.
Casino Dealers Qualities and skills required

What qualities and skills are required to be hired as a dealer?
Acute sense of observation: being able to exercise permanent and simultaneous vigilance on all aspects of the game. They have excellent memory, rapidity and manual dexterity and great concentration. Courtesy and respect for hierarchy. You have to have a sense of interpersonal skills, be diplomatic, discreet, discerning: know how to detect risky behavior by players. Have good physical strength: be able to stand for hours at a time and stay focused.
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One of the most important parts of a casino’s activity is the live casino dealer. The casino dealers have to be extremely professional and act without emotions or flaws, regardless of the situations they encounter at the table.
A live casino dealer will always wear a poker face and be able to make everyone feel comfortable, but with a perfect image of a true professional.
In this regard, they also have to know very well the rules of the games, so an essential part of this job is to know how to play in a casino. You can find all the rules in the best casino guides on the internet, but you should still know that the rules may differ from one casino to another.
One of the places you can encounter a live dealer is in a cruise casino. And this may be one of the best jobs in the world. While you make the games at the table, travel the world, and meet people, you also get paid for this.
From the Caribbean to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, to the rivers of Europe, a cruise ship sees it all. All the guests have to fully enjoy the trip, and the live dealer has an important role in this.
But which is exactly their role? Well, the most important is that a cruise casino dealer will have to explain the rules of the games to everyone who is new at the table. Also, the dealer has to make sure that all the participants play (and enjoy too) a fair game.
The dealer is also the one exchanging chips and tokens for money, making important announcements during the games, and informing the players about which proper conduct they need to have at the table.
A cruise casino dealer also has to be polite and friendly to the clients, and keep them entertained and maintain a positive gaming atmosphere. Like any other live dealer, the one in the cruise casino must also not be distracted and handle any stressful situation.
And how much does all this pay?
To cut it short, here is the average basic salary range: From 2,700 to $3,600 per month, depending on the cruise line and the size of the ship, among others. And let’s see what else does a casino cruise dealer receive.
Well, the contracts are given typically for six months, before a dealer may be considered for a permanent position. But even though such a permanent job doesn’t come, a cruise casino dealer gains a lot of experience this way.
This makes them suitable for other similar half-year jobs. The reason is that most part of the cruise companies outsource this service to a land-based casino.
During the months a dealer gets to spend on board, he or she gets also access to accommodation, as well as ship amenities like a gym, and excellent food. And, besides the basic salary, the dealer may receive also the commission based on the performance or tips from the guests.
How Much Do Dealers Make In Casinos No Deposit
There are other perks too of being a casino dealer on a cruise ship. The casino isn’t open 24 hours a day, so the dealer can enjoy plenty of rest. Then, when the ship is in port, the casino is closed. This means that dealers can visit new places like the tourists do.
How Do Casinos Make Money
In the end, this job is a rewarding one, not only financial, but also when it comes to the great experiences it offers. Also, it becomes a possibility for promotion to assistant casino position, or even to a casino manager role. A casino manager can win more than $4,000 per month, and a shipboard experience is preferred.