Which Scratch Off Ticket Should I Buy
Super Jackpot Scratch Off Cards - (30 Pack) - Scratch & Win Cards for All Ages - Retail Events - Scratch Off Tickets - Raffles - Door Prizes 3.0 out of 5 stars 1 $11.99 $ 11. 99 ($0.40/Count). Scratch game tickets must be claimed within 180 calendar days from the official announced end of game date. Select a game listed in the SCRATCH section of our website and it will tell you if a game end date has been established. Click here for the SCRATCH GAMES TABLE. (Please note, if a Scratch game has ended, and is past the last day to claim a winning ticket, the game will no longer appear. However, keep in mind that once you buy a winning ticket, the probability of the next ticket being a winner greatly decreases. So if the last ticket in the bulk set of scratch offs you purchase is a winner, you should avoid returning to the store and buying from the same roll that had the winning ticket in it.
Scratch offs have come a long way since their inception in the 1970s. First created for the Massachusetts lottery by John Koza and Dan Bower, what was once a major chance is now a staple at grocery store and liquor store checkouts.
Did you know that you don’t have to leave your home to win $1 million (or more) on a scratch-off? Yes, you can buy scratch tickets online, and they’re legal, real, and have actual monetary prizes.
In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some of the best places to buy scratch off tickets online, making sure you’re only buying legit scratch offs. Read on for more!
Are You Sure Online Scratch Offs Are Legit?
Yes! However, this is a fair question. We’ve all been minding our business scrolling, only to be accosted by a random ad telling us we’ll be millionaires if online we give up all of our information.
Sure, some of these online scratch offs may be phishing schemes or a scheme in which a scammer claims to need your information for something and runs away with sensitive details. With phishing schemes, you never get what you’re promised. If a website looks too good to be true, it likely is.
Knowing where to purchase online scratch offs is the best way to ensure you don’t fall prey to these schemes, and any prizes you win are legitimate.

Playing Country or State-Sanctioned Scratch Offs

One way to know that the scratch offs you’re playing online are legit is that they’re country or state-sanctioned. For example, the United Kingdom has an entire website, Lottoland, dedicated to these online scratch offs. You can even support UK charities like the British Red Cross by purchasing these tickets and dipping your toes into the scratch-off waters.
Scratch offs sanctioned by particular countries doesn’t end with the UK, though. In fact, there are several states in the United States where you can purchase lotto tickets, for bigger wins or draw games, as well as for instant wins.
The following states have online “scratch offs” where you can win instantly:
To play these online scratch offs, you’ll need to head over to their official websites.
How Much Can You Win with State Official Scratch Offs?
How much you can win with these scratch offs depends on each state and its rules. Georgia, for example, offers online tickets where you can instantly win up to $150,000. The state of Michigan, in contrast, has games in which you can win up to $500,000 instantly.
Can You Enter More Than One State’s Online Scratch Off?
It can certainly seem tempting to buy as many online scratch offs as possible and hedge your bets. After all, what’s stopping you from buying a scratch-off in Virginia, Georgia, and Pennsylvania? The law is, actually.
Unfortunately, you have to be located in the state in order to play and claim any winnings–just like you would be if you purchased a scratch-off in person.
You can usually claim up to a certain amount online, and then you must appear in person if your loot is in excess of that.
State-sanctioned scratch offs will have technology employed to ensure that you are purchasing your ticket within that state itself and to detect any kind of VPN to spoof your location.
What Are Online Lotto Subscriptions?
Many states also offer an online lotto subscription service, which you can manage via the Internet. These, however, are different from scratch offs, and it doesn’t mean that you’ll be receiving a certain amount of scratch offs each month.
These subscription services give you an entry each week into bigger prize drawings, allowing you to pay in advance. You can choose how many tickets you want to buy at a time.
Do not mistake this for scratch offs, as you will not win instantly.
Other Online Slots and Scratch Offs
Online scratch offs are not only available from specific countries or states, but you can also play them via virtual casinos and websites or apps dedicated to winning big instantly. As we stated above with the prevalence of phishing schemes and other hacking operations, you’ll need to be sure you’re playing legitimate games or apps.
IGT or International Gaming Technology is one of the most well known when it comes to gambling and online winning. These scratch offs and slots can be played both online and off, and are supported by most casinos.
Some of the most trusted online gambling sites including the official websites of well-known casinos themselves, like Harrah’s, as well as Chumba Casino and Lucky Land. Most of these are not necessarily online scratch-offs but operate as an almost hybrid of a slot machine and a scratch-off. Like their “real life” based counterparts, they pay off with money instantly.
Figuring Out Where to Buy Scratch Off Tickets Online
If you’re a gambling newbie or have never taken your game online before, it can seem overwhelming to know which games to pick. Figuring out where to buy scratch off tickets online can seem like you’re trying to pick out the real tickets from the faux without much context.
Hopefully, however, this article has helped give you some confidence on which games are real and can give you an instant payout.
Where To Buy Scratch Offs
Ready to purchase your online scratch cards? Hold off for just a little bit longer and read some of our strategies for winning scratch offs before you take the plunge!
here are two lottery tickets sitting on my desk right now. My boyfriend and I buy them occasionally on the way back from road trips. One reads, “100X THE CASH,” a multicolored green sheet printed with floating dollar signs in the background, the other, “50X THE BUCKS,” its name in bold, slanted writing that reminds me of a speeding car. We won about 50 bucks between both.

We’re both struggling against mountains of student loan debt, but we’re still tempted, now and again, to waste a few much-needed dollars on our favorite lottery.
I’ve long understood the powerful allure of the scratch-off. When I was a kid, my mother would buy a few whenever we went to the grocery store, even though we were so poor she often raided our church’s donation bin for canned food. At our market, sheets of tickets were dispensed from a vending machine — six rows of square plastic windows, each displaying the front of a different ticket. I was enchanted by the sparkly, cartoonish bubble letters — glittering “STRIKE IT RICH,” metallic “GOLD RUSH,” neon pink “LUCKY 7’s.” They looked like the kind of edible paper candy you might find at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.
We played them in the car when we finished shopping — my mom seeking reprieve from our money trouble and the chaos of her work day, and I, seeking quality time. We never won anything, but those two minutes were thrilling. Our desperate financial insecurity became a game, something the two of us could laugh at and bond over.
Larry, a long time family friend, recalls similar memories with his mother. “We used to get scratch-offs in our stockings when we were young,” he tells me. ”[My mom] would hide them in the Christmas tree — she got a kick out of it.” The family continued to bond over the lottery as he got older. “A lot of the time it was just me, and mom, and my sisters — we would pool all our money together so we could buy and play scratch-offs together.”
For Larry and I, scratch-offs represent a connection to our mothers, but the reasons for playing are varied for everyone, and are almost always intensely personal. My friend Alice, who is agoraphobic, tells me she’d buy them as a reward for leaving the house. She keeps the debris from the tickets in a jar labeled “winning dust.”
Of course, the lottery industry’s success depends on our desire to feel like winners. And while scratch-offs might seem democratic because they’re based on chance, the poorest among us are, in fact, the lottery’s primary targets — and the most in need of the money it offers.
Scratch-offs may be nefarious in that sense, but I find the nostalgia difficult to resist. I am inevitably drawn to them as a means of connecting with my past. Like so many things in life, they’re as bad for you as they are fun. They bring levity to the stress of day-to-day life by feeding the blind hope that chance is all that stands in the way of changing our circumstances. Many factors beyond our control (race, education, geography, ability) can contribute to our stations in life, but scratch-offs allow us to escape our worries — for at least as long as it takes to reveal a ticket’s hidden numbers with a quarter or a car key. They’re a Hail Mary bid for the universe to be on our side. There’s an almost aggressive positivity at work in scratch-off players, an enforced naivete about lottery statistics (you’re more likely get hit by an asteroid than win a $1 million prize). And whether you find that endearing or loveable or even tragic, it’s always deeply human. Playing the lottery doesn’t make sense. And, according to psychologist Mark Dombeck, it doesn’t have to.
“The purchase of scratchers is an emotionally motivated decision rather than a rational one,” he explains. “The emotion system (the limbic brain) does not understand language or math or time very well, if at all. You imagine that you could win. The image of that win in your mind fools the emotion system into getting excited, because it can’t tell the difference between a real reward and an imagined reward.That’s enough for the emotion system to motivate action.”

So maybe the brain does trick people into risking money on the lotto. And maybe the lottery industry does swindle people like me, and Larry, and my mom. (Once my boyfriend and I play our tickets, the magic often fades away — we rarely even cash in our winning tickets.) But for us, playing scratch-offs is more than a game; it makes being poor an easier burden to bear. We know the system is rigged against us. The lottery won’t change that. But it’s fun to imagine that we could cheat it with a sudden, momentous win.
Which Scratch Off Tickets Should I Buy
Ultimately, it’s harnessing that fantasy that makes scratch-offs so satisfying. And in the end, losing actually reinforces my understanding of the world: I am in control of the path my life takes, not some flimsy sheet of paper.
Buy Scratch Off Tickets Online
Illustrations by Liana Jegers.